Libano: vescovi maroniti, “porre termine alle aggressioni israeliane che violano la sovranità nazionale”
Libano: vescovi maroniti, “porre termine alle aggressioni israeliane che violano la sovranità nazionale”
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The Heads of State and Government are convened again, this time in Budapest, following the US election results. The host is Hungarian Prime Minister and current president of the Council of the European Union, Viktor Orban, who is a strong supporter of Trump. The 27 leaders are due to meet this evening for a working dinner (US elections, situation in Georgia); the meeting will continue tomorrow. “At our dinner”, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, wrote in his invitation letter, “I propose that we hold a strategic debate on our transatlantic relations. Our relationship with the US is essential and we are ready to deepen it. We have to continue delivering on our priorities in line with the Strategic Agenda, working actively towards a strong and sovereign Europe. I would like us in particular to focus on three areas: our bilateral relations; security and geopolitics, not least Ukraine; and global challenges and international cooperation, including climate change”. Among the issues to be addressed is whether or not the US will support Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s aggression. “We will also address the situation in Georgia following the elections and discuss the way forward”. “With our steadfast support to the United Nations in our minds, we will also have an exchange on the recently adopted Israeli legislation against UNRWA which, if implemented, would make it impossible” for the UN Agency “to carry out its mandate”.
Fonte: AgensirLibano: vescovi maroniti, “porre termine alle aggressioni israeliane che violano la sovranità nazionale”
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Tags: Agensir