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EU Parliament: Strasbourg: Metsola meets Von der Leyen. The president of the EU Commission will “reveal” her team tomorrow

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(Strasbourg) In the run-up to tomorrow morning’s Conference of Presidents meeting, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola met the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in Strasbourg today. The latter is expected to provide, tomorrow morning, the list of Commissioners and the appointments that she would give each one of them. Metsola spoke of a “good discussion with President” Von der Leyen. “I am looking forward to discussing the structure and portfolios proposed” for the future board, “in compliance with our new rules. Then, we will start the necessary parliamentary checking process and the hearings. Parliament is ready”. In this plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to work out a calendar for the hearings of the 26 Commissioners-Designate, to eventually cast a final vote in late October or at the latest in the November session. Only then will the European Commission be able to start working.

Fonte: Agensir

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